-Branching pattern increases the surface area of which water can be taken in/the absorbtion of water.
-The hair on the surface of the ends of the roots of the plants are called the root hair cells. And the microscopic examination reveals that these are the Epidermal cells.
-The extension of the cell wall of the epidermal cells is what is known as 'Root Hair Cells' which have more surface area for the absorbtion of water.
-The machanism by which plants absorb water involve the active transport of minerals. This then encourages the plants to take up more water by Osmosis.
-OSMOSIS - water moves from the dilute region (soil water surrounding the root hairs) to the concentrated region (build up of minerals inside the extended cell wall of the root hair cells).
-Water then moves across the cortex to the xylem by Osmosis.
-The concentration of minerals in the root hair brings about the osmosis of water.
the high conc of minerals in the root hair brings about the osmosis of water