Sunday, May 15, 2011

(I)GCSE Topic 4.6 Energy and Substances in food chains

-Producer turns light energy into chemical energy and this chemical energy takes the form of Organic Molecules including: carbohydrates, protiens, lipids.
-These molecules in the producer is food to the primary consumer; the moleculs in the primary consumer is food to the secondary consumer; the molecules in the secondary consumer is food to the tertiary consumer.
-These moleculs are composed of:
  Carbon - Hydrogen
  Carbon - Oxygen
  Carbon - Carbon
  Oxygen - Hydrogen
  Carbon - Nitrogen bonds
-These bonds all represent energy
-As the plant carries out photosynthesis, it creates the organic molecules which are the substances and contains the energy which was turned from sunlight into chemical energy.
-The substances/matter and energy are passed along the food chain.

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