Sunday, June 12, 2011

(I)GCSE Topic 4.11 Gas Pollution

Pollution of air by sulphur dioxide and carbon monoxide:

-Sulphure Dioxide (gas) is added to the atmosphere by burning fossil fuels in factories and vihicles.
- In the atmosphere Sulphur Dioxide mixes with water to create Sulphuric Acid.
- Acid Rain (from Sulphuric Acid) effects plants and animals-they burn and cannot grow.
-Acid Rain in lakes reduce pH which makes them acidic and this effects the fish by causing a thickening of the mucus that lines the gills and reduces the fishes ablity to take in oxygen from the water, which eventually kills the fish.

-Carbon Monoxide is produced when Fossil fules-Cole burns with insufficient oxygen.
-Carbon Monoxide combines with Haemoglobin and forms the molecule: Carbamenohaemeglobin
 - blocks haemoglobin from carrying oxygen.

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