Tuesday, January 31, 2012

(I)GCSE Topic 2.84

Understand that Stimulation of Receptors in the sense organs sends electrical impulses along nerves into and out of the Central Nervous System(CNS), resulting in rapid responses.

- Nervous system sends electrical messages along nerves to and from different parts of your body and they tell your body what to do.
- Sense Organs act as Receptors to detect change. They send messages to the CNS along the sensory nerves. 
- Nerve cels are different from other cells. They both have cell membranes; cytoplasms and nucleus but they are of a different shape. 
Part of the cell is stretched out to form the AXON which can be over a metre long. 
The messages that nerves carry are called NERVE IMPULSES which are electrical signals that pass very quickly along the axon of the nerves. 

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